《 Smother》是由凯特·奥瑞丹(Kate O'Riordan)执导的爱尔兰惊悚连续剧。影片中德乌拉·基尔万(Dervla Kirwan)饰演瓦尔·艾亨(Val Ahern),母亲决心不惜一切代价保护自己的家人。
No tricks here - just a treat to a sizzle reel and a tease of Season 2, which premieres two months f...
Half-hour stories with many themes, including; horror, twists, black-magic, sci.-fi. .... Introduced...
HBO每晚一个鬼故事,统统改编自同名经典畅销恐怖漫画杂志。历时七季,由各大电视台转播(TV-MA/TV-PG)。 One hour stories with many themes, including; horror, twists, black-magic, sci-fi .... Introduced by a puppet called "The Crypt Keeper". A cross between the "Twighlight Zone" and modern horror movies. Not suitable for the very young or squeamish. Written by Rob Hartill
来自《真爱如血》(True Blood)的演员Anna Paquin将主演加拿大CBC八集罪案剧《谜中案》,Allen Leech和Shawn Doyle参与演出。《谜中案》由Jane Maggs和A...
The girls return to Malory Towers along with new girl, Ellen Wilson. A new head of form has to be el...
Agatha's in need of a well-earned break and with Christmas just around the corner it looks like the ...
Magic and mystery await at Alfea.✨ See you on September 16.
1988 年,前苏联卡尔梅克。 儿童医院的年轻医生 Kirsan Ayushev 怀疑他的几个病人感染了 HIV。 年长的同事并不相信,所以基尔桑偷偷把样本送到了莫斯科。 当化验结果证实他是对的时,科...
根据畅销小说《Women of the other world》改编。主人公Elena Michaels是一名女摄影师。她一直隐藏着自己的真实身份并努力过着平常人的生活。可惜事与愿违,一通神秘来电打破...
(以下介绍转自飞翔科幻网和天涯小筑,转载请注明出处)《远古入侵》是一部投资巨大的科幻电视剧(相对于英国的科幻剧来说),首播于英国ITV电视一台。故事讲述了Nick Cutter教授和他的小组在迪恩森...